Methods of Payment

Thank you for choosing Wokali Wax as your trusted source for high-quality waxing products. We offer convenient and secure payment options to ensure a seamless shopping experience for our customers. Below are the payment methods available:

Cash on Delivery (COD): We provide Cash on Delivery service for customers worldwide. With this option, you can place your order online and pay in cash when it is delivered to your doorstep. Please ensure you have the exact amount ready for payment at the time of delivery.

Bank Transfer: For our Pakistani customers, we offer bank transfer options through Easypaisa and Jazzcash. You can transfer the total amount of your order directly to our bank account using these secure payment platforms. Upon placing your order, you will receive the necessary payment details to complete the transfer.

Please note that all payments must be made in Pakistani Rupees (PKR) for orders within Pakistan.

We prioritize the security of your payment information and have implemented necessary measures to protect your personal data. All payment transactions are encrypted and securely processed to ensure your financial details are safeguarded.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the payment process, our customer support team is available to help. You can reach us through our contact page or by emailing us at [email protected].

Thank you for choosing Wokali Wax. We appreciate your trust in our products and services. Happy waxing!



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